[Evolution] "Group By Threads" with Groupwise Server


I'm using Evolution 2.12.0 as a Groupwise client and have a Problem with
the "Group By Threads" option. Basically it is not working at all.

What I found out so far is that the "Message-Id" inside the mail header
has a strange format and nothing to do with the "References" or
"In-Reply-To" fields.

The "Message-Id" looks like the following:

Message-Id: <48187 X1 X1-4 104 1623277 1 2B8D 1 1:7 X1 X1-4 104 1 16>

When I use a Groupwise client, the "Message-Id" matches the "References"
and "In-Reply-To" fields and it can show the threads. I'm not 100% sure
how Evolution is trying to reference the thread relationship between
emails, but I just know that it is not working correctly.

Best regards,

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