Re: [Evolution] autosave

Thanks Patrick.
Unfortunately I learned it the hard way yesterday night when I couldn't even start SuSe. I have the following message after booting (this is a translation from French): "Your $home/.dmrc are incorrect and will be ignored. This will not permit to save the default session and language. The file should belong to the user with permission 644".
I'm looking for help, if you have it available.

Thanks anyway

From: "Patrick O'Callaghan" <poc usb ve>
To: <jo_atallah sympatico ca>
CC: evolution-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Evolution] autosave
Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 08:18:26 -0400

On Wed, 2007-09-05 at 23:16 -0400, jo wrote:
> Hi,
> Considering the high level of discussions in this list, my question
> seams elemental. But so is my proficiency in Linux.
> O.S: SuSeLinux 10.0
> Gnome
> Evo 2.4.0
> While typing and sending a mail the following message appears:
> "Could not save to autosave file
> "/home/.evolution-composer.autosave-O56Ovb".
> Error saving to autosave because "cannot open file".

Looks like something's wrong with your Linux account (not your email
account name but your local account on your computer). Presumably Evo is
looking up your home directory and getting a nonsensical answer. One
would expect the autosave file to be under /home/<account/, not directly
in /home. Since in most installations a non-root user cannot write
directly into /home, it's getting an error.

Also, 2.4 is a fairly old version of Evo.


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