Re: [Evolution] Evolution crash

On Sun, 2007-09-02 at 11:04 +0530, Shrikant Navelkar wrote:

After working successfully with various e-plugins for a long time, I
suddenly started facing a problem. My evolution crashes when I open it
from menu. 

I have figured out that it opens successfully when I use a command :
evolution --disable-eplugin. However with this I am not able to use
evolution as a RSS feed reader.

I have logged-in crash report through bug-buddy but yet to get a

What is the bug # ?

I have few questions :

1.  Is there any way to find out which e-plugin is giving a problem ? 

If there is a problem with one e-plugin it will not be loaded. However,
it should not stop loading of other plugins. (Except for the
plugin-manager plugin)

2.  Can you un-install particular e-plugin from command line ?

Just remove the .so that corresponding to your plugin. There is no such
command line option anyway.


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Sankar P
Novell Evolution Hacker

 Novell, Inc. 
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