Re: [Evolution] Help. Unable to store Inbox

On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 13:46 -0400, Robert Kochis wrote:
    I am running Fedora Core 6 with Evolution 2.8.3
I have 2 problems.  I get an error message stating "Error while
Storing Folder Inbox" followed by an unable to retrieve email.  Any
ideas what is happening here.

Where is your Inbox? Is it local or on a server? If it's local you may
have a file access problem, if it's remote there may be an
authentication issue with the server (or a real server problem of
course). Can you access the inbox using a different client, e.g.

Secondly, I preform a Message -> Check for junk and it does not remove
ANY emails.  I have over 260 emails marked as Junk.  I am performing
this test when I have a number of unread emails that are obviously

Which Junk filter are you using? Evo 2.12 offers two, SpamAssasin and
Bogofilter (2.8.3 only has SA), but you have to have the respective
packages installed and the correct Evo plugin enabled. Have you trained
your Junk filter? Without training on around 100 spam and 100 ham
messages, the filters won't know enough to do anything.

If you select a message and hit the Junk button, what happens?


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