Re: [Evolution] Bcc recipients revealed in forwarded mail

On Tue, 2007-10-16 at 22:34 -0800, Louis Ezra wrote:
Earlier today I sent out an email to a group of people. Several of
these people were cc:'d, a few were bcc:'d. Later I forwarded this
email to another person and in the body of the email was listed  the
name of the bcc: recipients. 

Hmmm, revealing bcc: recipients in forwarded email is not a feature
that many people would see as a positive one. Perhaps we can fix this
in the next release and maybe even release a patch to correct it now? 

Thanks for a great product, keep up the good work.

I've noticed this and thought it was fair enough since Forward is
sending something such that the new recipient can see what you did with
the original (inc Bcc). Where's 'edit as new message' may be more
appropriate in your case?

Probably just a matter of taste...

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