Re: [Evolution] moving evo f7 -> f8?

On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 11:17 +0000, Morgan Read wrote:
Morgan Read <mstuff <at>> writes:

Hello Folks

I just up'd from f7 to f8.  I copied files/directories:
   1. ~/.evolution/
   2. ~/.gconf/apps/evolution/
   3. ~/.gnome2_private/Evolution

Then logged into my user account, copied them back.

Now, I start evo for the first time and I'm presented with the Evo Setup
Assistant.  Any ideas where I'm going wrong?  How do I get evo back up?
In desperation I've now followed the instructions here: (from a
backup machine) and attempted to use the restore function the Setup Assisstant,
no dice!

This is a complete disaster for me, I use evolution intensively for work - if
anyone can shed some light on why evolution might be behaving like this and how
to get my new install of evolution to recognise my old configs and files it
would really help.


I moved from F7 to F8 in similar way, the only difference was that I
didn't compress files, I only get directories you mentioned from one
machine and placed them to the second machine. As is mentioned in the
link you gave above, I always did "evolution --force-shutdown" and
"gconftool-2 --shutdown" before I started to play with these directories
*on both machines*. And it just worked.

It is very important to stop gconf, because it caches values and even
you changed files, it writes its cache back, so your changes are "lost"
if you do not stop gconf.

Can you check if it doesn't decompress to other directory in your home? 

For example, after decompress, there is a file
where should be <entry name="accounts"> with all your defined accounts.
Please check if it applies for you in a backup package and after
unpacking it on new machine in that directory. Just in case.
        Hope that helps,

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