Re: [Evolution] Crashing when opening unless I open contacts first

On Thu, 2007-05-17 at 14:27 -0400, Craig Hastings wrote:
Hi Marcus,
Tired killing the processes directly and trying a reboot makes no
difference in my case.
Does bug-buddy print out any stack trace ?


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From: evolution-list-bounces gnome org
[mailto:evolution-list-bounces gnome org] On Behalf Of Marcus Senna
Borges de Barros
Sent: May 17, 2007 2:19 PM
To: Poohba
Cc: evolution-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Crashing when opening unless I open contacts

Instead of using pkill try typing

evolution --force-shutdown

and then execute it again.

Em Qui, 2007-05-17 Ãs 14:16 -0400, Poohba escreveu: 
If I open evolution it crashes.  If I open contacts and then ctrl+1 it
opens but I have to change the folder immediately so that it doesn't
crash again.  I can then go back to the folder and there is no problem.
Even if I pkill evo and then try to open evolution it still crashes.
After a reboot and I try to open it, it crashes.  Has anyone else
experienced this problem?

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Marcus Senna Borges de Barros
Auditor Fiscal
DTI - Diretoria de Tecnologia da InformaÃÃo
Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado da Bahia
+55 71 3115-2434 / msenna sefaz ba gov br 
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