Re: [Evolution] Save&Use the addresses and emails from an older Evo version

Hi Laszlo,
          You can save your contacts in vcard from Evolution2.6.x and
can import these into new Evolution.
You can import them from File > Import > Import a single file then
browse to that .vcf file and select similar file format.
By this way, you can get your previous contacts.

Hope this will help you.

- Akhil

On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 03:35 +0200, Tör*csik László wrote:
Hi All,

Please help me with any good idea if it is possible.
I am using since a long time Evolution without any havy problem. Now, a
few weeks ago, I upgraded my Linux environment changed Evolution from
2.6.x to 2.10.x
At the same time my HW was change as well. I am looked for the easyest
way to export my old addressbook and all my old messages to any
importable file format for the new Evolution or any other email client.
My goal is to continouse using Evo in my dally work but I'm interested
any other possibilities.
Thanks for all idea and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Laszlo (dr-leo)

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