Re: [Evolution] Evolution and attachment names

On Mon, 2007-03-26 at 12:50 +0000, Marcus Senna Borges de Barros wrote:
Hello there,

I am using Evolution 2.8.1 on Ubuntu (Edgy Eft) to connect to an
Exchange Server, and I've noticed that whenever you attach a file
whose name contains accented characters, the Outlook users receive the
attachment as att<random numbers>.dat (for instance, at243765.dat),
Just curious, what does file <att_numver.dat> say ?
ms/tnef by any chance ?

 and therefore they are not able to open it directly within Outlook.
The only way to access the information is to save and rename the file
(if you know what kind of file it is).

I doesn't happen in the opposite direction (Outlook -> Evolution).
Evolution is able to display the accented characters normally.

Has anybody gone through this? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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