Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.2.3 to 2.8

On Wed, 2007-02-28 at 08:32 -0500, Chris Murphy wrote:
I currently run evolution 2.2.3 on a group of about 100 computers with
installations of Fedora 2 and Fedora 4.  The default installation of
Evolution is 2.2.0 with updates in the repos to get to 2.2.3.  I have
attempted to upgrade to 2.8 on a test machine but run into major
dependency issues and serious scripting to get the configure program
to run.  So many that I spent 2 hours pointing the program to the
correct folders for qt and various dependencies and still haven't made
it through successfully.  Has anyone tried to do this before?  I
really am only interested in upgrading the Fedora 4 versions of
Evolution as I am phasing out the Fedora 2 installs.


You'll probably have to upgrade your GNOME/GTK+ libraries to something
fairly recent in order to get Evolution 2.8 to build.  The exact library
versions necessary to build a particular Evolution release are not
carefully tracked.  This is an open issue that I hope to correct soon.

Matthew Barnes

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