Re: [Evolution] Evolution-list Digest, Vol 24, Issue 14

I gave up on Evo and CalDAV a few versions back - I got Evo 2.6 &
(either 0.1 or 0.3, can't remember) to play ball, but since either or
both got upgraded it's never worked.  I've tried other CalDAV servers
(such as Bedework) with varying degrees of success - and it's not
or uniquely Evo's fault - I've had similar results with Sunbird, but
nothing consistent to indicate a particular server or particular
is good or bad, or more or less broken. (Except at the moment I can't
get Evo to do *anything* sensible!)

Evo developers seem to be concentrating their efforts on trying to
shoe-horn Exchange interoperability into the code by reverse
proprietary protocols rather getting Evo to work properly with open
source servers that are standards based.  That's their call and I do
wish to express an opinion as to whether it is right or wrong :-)

Evo developers in the past have said that it is their intention to
revisit the CalDAV code and get it working again - but I seem to
remember the target was version 2.14 or 2.16, so don't hold your

If you value your sanity, give up on CalDAV for the time being, and
think of a work around - I know I did!

I'd be very happy to work with any evolution developer to get caldav 

We've had partial success with Evolution and CalDAV and I'd like to see 
that taken furtehr

Thank you for your comments Biggs and Douglass. I've been on #evolution
(GIMPnet) badgering the community for support. I have another update to
add to all your information: Evolution v2.10.2 works like a charm with
rscds v0.8.0. Since rscds is very simple and minimalistic, it shouldn't
be too hard to build upon this success. Biggs, if I'd received your mail
before setting up rscds, I wouldn't have tried :P

Yes, we badly need to get hold of some core Evolution developers. I'm
already working with Brian Moseley from the Cosmo (Chandler) team.


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