[Evolution] gnutls and Suse 10.2 upgrade

Title: gnutls and Suse 10.2 upgrade

I've just upgraded my laptop to 10.2. All other instances of my 10.2 are fresh installs. I waited to do my laptop as it is so important for my work. Here is my issue.
After upgrading from Suse 10.1 to 10.2, I try to start evolution and get this error:

evolution: error while loading shared libraries: libgnutls.so.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So I following the directions in this link:
http://www.mail-archive.com/evolution-list gnome org/msg05054.html

Now I get this error:

evolution: /usr/lib/libgnutls.so.12: version `GNUTLS_1_2' not found (required by /usr/local/lib/libsoup-2.2.so.8)

I use evolution to connect to exchange. It's the primary and only real reason that I use evolution. Has anyone experienced this issue before? I am not certain yet how to back level except to go with the version of Gnutls that is on 10.1, but then I'm not sure what it will break. Could I be missing some other config file or command that I need to run to get evolution to work here? Funny thing is that the first time I did the link, evolution started and when it asked me for a password, it would blow up and die. Now after a reboot, it will not even start. Upgrading Suse was done primarily to get to the new version of evolution so that I would not have to live with so many bugs. 

I have a lot of email saved in evolution and really need access to it. Any help would be appreciated.

Joseph Stephens

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