Re: [Evolution] Feature Suggestion - Sticky notes for email messages

I started some work for this sometime back. But since I knew that I will
miss the deadlines for feature-freeze, I stopped it so early.  This is
highly likely to be in Evolution 2.11.X soon.

On Fri, 2007-02-16 at 19:59 -0600, Jack wrote:
Hello everyone,
      I apologize if this suggestion has already been made before or if folks
don't think it is a good one.  I think Evolution is a fantastic product
and, as I deal with a large amount of email in my job, I thought of a
feature that might help Evolution get more of an edge over MS Outlook:
sticky notes on emails.

Like I said, I deal with a lot of email at work (sometimes I feel like
emailing IS my job...) and as I go through various chains, I sometimes
lose track of what is going on with the subject matter in one or
another.  So I thought, it would really be nice if I could attach
something like sticky notes to emails to remind myself that something
had occurred outside the email chain (like a face to face discussion)
that had an impact on the subject matter in the email chain.  For
instance, maybe a decision was being asked for, but the response was
made over the phone.  So, there's never a response to the email asking
for a decision.  What I have in mind is that you could right-click (or
left click for you left-handers) on the email and attach a sticky note
(could look just like a desktop note) where you could note to yourself
that the decision was made and what it was.  Then, when looking at the
email at some later date, when you put your cursor over it, the sticky
note would pop up and you would see the note to yourself.

The sticky note would not be sent with any forwards or responses to
emails and would just remain on that user's account (or maybe an option
could exist to send the note along with the forwarded email).

I do not mean this to be confused with turning an email into a Task.
This is basically desktop sticky notes meant to be attached to specific

Again, I apologize if this is something that's already been thought of
and shot down or scheduled to be included.  I also have to apologize
because I don't know how to write programs otherwise I'd create it
myself and submit for approval.  I'm an intermediate computer user that
can install a linux distribution and get it to run some programs that I
like and that's about it.  In short, I know just enough to be a danger
to my computer.  :)

Thank you all for creating a fantastic product!  I hope my idea is a
positive one!


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