[Evolution] De-integrating Evolution

I am wondering whether there are any efforts underway to "de-integrate"
the various components of Evolution.  Evolution has a very mature
mailer, a very mature calendaring application, and a pretty mature
contact application.  It has less mature todo list and note
applications.  (For example, Tomboy is much more mature in both these

I know Evo was originally based on bonobo, and I do admit I don't know
much about that technology (though I am a GTK+/GObject programmer).

I'm wondering if maybe Evo could support running e.g. a "standalone
mailer" or a mailer plus calendar application, rather than having to
take all pieces of Evo at once.

I think in the modern working and personal environments, people want to
pick and choose their components.  For example, Google Calendar may be
way more convenient for calendaring than Evo, but someone might love Evo
as a mailer.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if most users of Evo use it primarily
as a mailer, with the other components taking a backseat.

I know there may already be efforts in this vein underway -- if so,
perhaps a pointer to a bugzilla tracker could help me out.

p.s. also, Evo kind of violates UNIX ethic of an application that does
"one thing" well.

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