Re: [Evolution] email disappears from INBOX - shows in web interface though.

I just tried something that appears for the time being to at least 'keep' the messages somewhere that I can see them.

That is, to move them to another folder. I did this through my web owa interface, and now the new folder and the emails are showing in Evo.

I also setup a server-side exchange rule to move any messages from this person into that folder upon receipt. I will see if Evolution now shows the new ones in this separate folder.

For me it would seem that this would fix my personal issue - but I'll still have to check my web interface quite frequently to 'keep tabs' on Evo...

FYI, the second link does seem to describe my issue - but unfortunately I don't see any kind of a fix.


On Dec 27, 2007 1:06 PM, Suman < findsumanm gmail com> wrote:
Hi Dave...

Perhaps your issue is the same as/realated to and
Pity that the problem is still seen in Evo 2.12.1.

Sorry.. I cannot give you any answers for the disappearing emails. A friend of mine, who hacks on the mail component, possibly could. CC'ing him in the conversation.

Bharath ?


On Dec 21, 2007 11:11 PM, Dave E < evolution exby com> wrote:
I'm using Evolution 2.10.3 on Fedora 7 using exchange-connector for my exchange email account.

There is one person who sends me email and Evolution will show the message when it first downloads the  message from the exchange server. Then the email will disappear from the inbox.

I've checked my filters and none of them would do anything with these emails.

I can't find it in any of my email folders.

If I log into the web interface for our excange accounts (via I can see these emails still in the inbox where Evolution first showed them.

I can find the message cached (I guess) in ~/.evolution/mail/exchange/[account]/wherever_it_was

If I remove the ~/.evolution/mail/exchange/[account] folder and then restart evolution, the messages will show, but then will shortly disappear from the inbox.

I've attached a copy of one of these messages removing any personal email information.

* Oh, the one time I did see a message stay was when it was a meeting invitation - not like a normal email.

I really hope someone can offers some insight into this issue. I really, really want to use Evolution instead of Outlook. It's nearly perfect for the exception of this and a few other things. The others I can get by with, but this one is a deal-breaker because I constantly have to stop using Evolution and log into the web interface to look for these emails. I can't even find them by searching through Evolution.


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