Re: [Evolution] Problem upgrading evince on SuSE 10.2

On Wed, 2007-12-19 at 11:24 +0900, Murray Trainer wrote:
On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 17:21 -0800, Des Dougan wrote:
On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 12:36 +0900, Murray Trainer wrote:

This is still an issue for me - I can't find any solutions.  I can't see
the point of having a newer stable release of Evolution for Suse 10.2 if
there are unresolvable dependency issues with KDE apps.  I can't really
give our users Evolution if the print-preview is broken.



I had a problem like this a month or so back. I wasn't upgrading Evo,
just trying to keep up to date with SuSE updates, and had the
libpoppler/evince dependency issue. As I didn't want to mess about with
it, given it was my standard SuSE, I left it for a few days hoping the
SuSE people would resolve it. This is what happened for me. FYI, my
evince and poppler versions are:

des-toshiba:~ # rpm -qa |grep evince
des-toshiba:~ # rpm -qa |grep libpoppler
des-toshiba:~ # rpm -qa |grep poppler

Not sure if this helps you any...

Hi Des,

I have the same evince and poppler rpm's as you listed above.  Did you
get around the problem or is your print preview in Evolution broken like



Hi Murray,

My print preview is working fine. As far as I recall, applying updates
via the openSUSE updater resolved the issue for me.


Des Dougan, Principal
Dougan Consulting Group

Ph: 604-866-2848       Email: des at DouganConsulting dot com     

Peace of Mind, One Computer at a Time.

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