Re: [Evolution] Probelms by compiling Evo 2.8.1


Thu, 26 Oct 2006 12:21:59 +0200 Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net>:

hi kimmo,

Am Donnerstag, den 26.10.2006, 12:51 +0300 schrieb K. Elo:
I have tried to compile Evolution 2.8.1 from sources on a SuSE 10.0
(OSS) 64-bit. Gtkhtlm, libsoup and data-server compile just fine,
but the compilation of Evolution itself is interrupted by the
following errors:

you've cut the part of the shell output that would be interesting
here, please post more output.

How much do You need ;-) I have copied the whole output into a file
and attached this file (bzipped). Hope it helps You to debug the
problem. Thanks in advance.


Attachment: make.output.bz2
Description: application/bzip

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