Re: [Evolution] Connecting to WebCal calendars - have I got the right format?

On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 12:14 -0400, Don Levey wrote:
I am attempting to set up a shared (web-based) calendar, and access it via
Evolution.  According to the instructions, I need to access via a webcal://
URL, and this gives as an example.  However, I would prefer to
host this on my own server if possible.

Alright - I've found that I simply need to connect to *.ics file - I can
create a simple one via the local calendar, export it to *.ics format,
move it to the web server and view it via Evolution.  The problem: I can
see, but not edit anything.  What little I've seen on the matter
suggests to me that I should be able to both view and edit/add items in
the calendar.  Does Evolution indeed support that, or is it not possible
to share calendars dynamically except via locally-mounted drives?

 -Don Levey

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