Re: [Evolution] Lots of questions


Le lundi 08 mai 2006 à 07:08 +0200, DaffyDuke a écrit :

I should take more time for my previous mail. I have two more
questions !

8- How to edit filtering rules from Exchange Server ? Why the Exchange
Icon has disappeared in the status bar . It was on the right of
mails/address/tasks/etc ...

9- Tested only on RedHat Fedora Core 4 at work : When i receive a mail
written in RTF format (Outlook 2000/Outlook 2003) , my answers are note
correctly encoded in ISO-8859-1 or -15 (I tried to modify my locales ,
my LANG , my GDM_LANG , even the alias in /etc/X11/gdm/ ) : answers are
unreadeble with bad utf-8 encoding . It's OK when I reply to an text or
html mail format. I suspected a problem from Outlook clients cause  my
mails reply looks pretty good in Evolution , but there is nothing to
configure on Windows :-(

Thanks a lot,


DaffyDuke     [ jabber daffy alternc net | msn daffyduke no-log org ]
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