[Evolution] pddressbook only oartly visible

I hope you can help me out.
I have had a nasty crash, due to a faulty DVD-reader when upgrading from FC4 to FC5 resulting in the disappearance of crucial parts of the xorg-system and the evolution installation. I need to repartition the disk to install a fresh FC5. I need however my evolution as all my addresses and appointments are now unreachable!!. I have saved the .evolution from my /home/user/ directory as well as the gnome2_private directory. To get the information again I installed an Ubuntu Breezer Life CD which has evolution 2.4. (My old evolution was I think 2.2 or 2.3).After some juggling I was able to read the addresses but of the > 200 addresses only 6 are shown and they seem to be randomly chosen. Also the header categories is not shown in the display list (although it appears in the full address display) and the categories I had added (about 10) are not visible in the category list. I haven't as yet destroyed the original account as I don't know what more I need. Is there maybe another program to read addressbook.db.I can read the names and E-mail addresses from addressbook.db.summary with a simple ascii reader but not the complete information. I hope somebody can give me the solution as it is simply a disaster when all my addresses are lost!! Why won't evolution 2.4 read the addresses (as the are there!).

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