Re: [Evolution] intermittently ignores X-Spam-Flag

On Mon, 2006-03-20 at 07:12 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
Evo only filters messages it considers "new". "Newness" is a state
maintained by the IMAP server and means it has not previously reported
the message *to any client*, so if you have two or more clients
concurrently active on the same IMAP account, only one of them (more or
less randomly) will see any given message as being "new" and hence apply

Solution: either run only one client at a time, or apply filters
manually (Ctrl-Y).

It would be nice if this feature could be optionally enabled...

Also, since the mail server runs spamassassin, I would like to tell
evolution not to run it on my machines.  Is there a way to do that?

To disable for a specific account: uncheck Edit->Preferences->Mail
Accounts->[account]->Receiving Options->Check new messages for Junk

It would be nice if the corresponding buttons would be gone or at least
greyed out if the functionality is disabled. Now the buttons try to do
"something", the message is moved to the "junk" folder, even if there is
no spamassassin at all to perform the requested action. So, if I click
"junk" instead of "delete" (happens all of the time), first I need to
"unjunk" the message to get it back, and then delete it. All of this is
slow, for some reason.

To do it for all accounts: just disable the plugin.

Evo 2.2 doesn't have this knob :-(

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