Re: [Evolution] best way to sync evolution on 2 computers

Hi everyone,

Thanks to Brett and Victor.

just fyi:  I've modified Brett's script for use with unison & to
accomodate 2-way sync.  I'm not yet sure that the 2-way sync
reallyworks, but so far, and taking care to ALWAYS sync before
modifying everything, it seems ok.

if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
    echo "usage: $(basename $0) <destination host>"
    exit 0;


echo " shutting down remote evolution..."
ssh $TO_HOST DISPLAY=:0 evolution --force-shutdown
echo "shutting down local evo..."
evolution --force-shutdown
echo "dumping gconf"
gconftool-2 --dump /apps/evolution > $GCONF_DUMP

# rsync -av ~/.evolution $TO_HOST:
echo "calling unison"
unison-gtk evo-$TO_HOST
# DON'T just load old gconf, as sync may be going the other way!
#ssh $TO_HOST DISPLAY=:0 gconftool-2 --load=$GCONF_DUMP
and an example evo-host.prf file


root = /home/matt
root = ssh://matt 128 100 34 8//home/matt/
path = .evolution
path = .gconf/apps/evolution
path = .gnome2_private/Evol*

ignore = Path */mail
ignore = Name mail
notice I'm syncing everything but mail.  This may be a big mistake,
but the mail setup on the two machines is currently pretty different
so I don't have much choice.

I suppose another option would be to somehow use multisync to do
evolution <--> evolution syncing.  Not sure that's possible though.



On 2/27/06, Brett Johnson <brett hp com> wrote:
On Mon, 2006-02-27 at 10:13 -0500, Matt Price wrote:

I am trying to figure out a good way to get 2 copies of evolution to
sync with each other, as well as with my palm pilot.

Sheesh, this needs to be in a FAQ somewhere -- I've posted it to this
list at least three times.

Anyway, attached is my sync script, which uses rsync (since I'm almost
always going one-way, and unison is much slower than straight rsync).
But if you want to use unison, and get two-way syncing of everything but
the gconf database, just replace the rsync call with the appropriate
unison call & config file.

If you want to achieve two-way sync of the gconf database, you'll need
to shut down gconf on both machines, use unison to sync the
~/.gconf/apps/evolution tree, then restart gconf on both machines.  I'm
not saying it's a good idea or necessary, just that that's a way you
could accomplish it :)

Brett Johnson <brett hp com>

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