Re: [Evolution] evo 2.6 on rhel 4?

On Thu, 2006-06-22 at 07:14 -0400, James White wrote:
On Thu, 2006-06-22 at 12:35 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:

Am Donnerstag, den 15.06.2006, 14:43 -0400 schrieb Mickey Blue Eyes:
Could anyone explain why it's virtually impossible to install Evolution-2.6 
and -2.4 on RHEL 4.3/CentOS-4.3?

because your distro is ancient and gnome development also means "new
dependencies" on many other have-to-be-updated libraries on your system?

So far as I can tell, RHEL 4 is a recent release and should support
Evolution 2.6.  But hey, I'm a Gentoo guy - what would I know about it?

RHEL4 is a bit over a year old (ignore the subsequent updates - they are
fixes only, not upgrades), and is based on the same timeframe as Fedora
3 (so basically stuff fully released at least 18 months ago).

Its therefore Gnome 2.8, not 2.14

RHEL5 may well have Evolution 2.6.

Backporting bleeding edge to stable series is frankly a world of pain
and just a god way of getting the fun and instability of something like
Fedora, with the pain of doing your own backports, and the costs of an
Enterprise system (which won't be supported due to the mass of packages
you have replaced).

[ Nigel Metheringham           Nigel Metheringham InTechnology co uk ]
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