Re: [Evolution] Outgoing Mail

I am getting increasingly annoyed.

They keep telling me that it is the way Evolution is set up

So I set up my W2K windows dialer to dial their number, 336-751-1500,
which should connect me to the server with no middleman ISP or email
package involved.  A simple connect.

It would not accept my log on. 

So then I booted linux and did the sudo pppconfig thing for their direct
line and got the same thing.

So what I believe at this point to be the case is that they have my
password or username not the same as the one they have issued to me.

I did pppconfig with pap and with chat and the results are the same.

So I am done with it until they fix their end.

but I do appreciate your help.


On Thu, 2006-07-27 at 09:04 -0700, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
On Wed, 2006-07-26 at 08:35 -0400, Claude S. Sutton wrote:

Received: from [] ([]) (authenticated
Seems like needs Auth
X-2it-MailScanner-Information: Questions?  Contact
operations ncaccess net
X-2it-MailScanner: No virus or danger found
X-2it-MailScanner-From: claudesutton suttonmachine com
X-2it-MailScanner-To: cssutto attglobal net
They are just using Mailscanner. Which is FreeWare. Google it.

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