Re: [Evolution] Outgoing Mail

On Tue, 2006-07-25 at 22:02 -0700, Des Dougan wrote:
On Wed, 2006-07-26 at 00:46 -0400, Claude S. Sutton wrote:
Must be an error with the setup. My guess is when you setup, your
outgoing mail has a default SMTP server and it will not relay the
message if the "from address" is not within it's list of "allowed" email

I am confused.

I can send from the old addresses.

I can send from the new address to the old addresses or to anyone else.

This means nothing, You're sending out to other servers. 

No one can send to the new address including my granddaughter who is on
a different ISP than any of the above.
This is your problem. What's the ISP name or rather, what's your email
address at this new ISP?

You can try this.

telnet 25
mail from :<user hotmail com>
rcpt to: <username new-isp com>

Based on the link Ow provided, it would be worthwhile for you to provide
the domain name of your new ISP. If no-one can send to it (rather than
you not being able to send out), 
I think he mentioned above that he can send out to anyone/any address on
can't receive.

Ow Mun Heng <Ow Mun Heng wdc com>

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