[Evolution] the destination server said: 5.7.1

I am trying to set up a new email account with a new ISP.

I have two other ISP's, attglobal.net and cognisurf.com.

I have set this one up identically because the new ISP advised me how it
should be done and it so happened the setup was identical.

I can send mail from this new account, but when I send mail to this
account I get the the destination server said: 5.7.1 message.

My granddaughter, who is using an entirely different ISP, got the same

I am running Ubuntu, Evolution.  However, I have tried with the same
results Barca2 on my W2K system.

So it is not a linux or Evolution thing.  It has to be a setup thing,
but is it mine or is it the ISP's?

What am I missing?

I have not mentioned the new ISP because it is a small local outfit that
none of you would have heard of.

This new server does have spam checking software which I suspect is
proprietary.  But if I can not send messages to my new address from
either of my old addresses and my granddaughter can not, I doubt that is
the problem unless I am their only customer and nothing there works.

But I ramble.

What do I try next?


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