Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.6 nothing in spellcheck list

hi joseph,

Am Freitag, den 30.06.2006, 11:34 -0500 schrieb Joseph Stephens:
I am having trouble getting spell check working on a copy of Evolution
on my laptop.
The Version is evolution 2.6 running on Suse 10.1.
I have aspell 6 and supporting dictionaries installed. 
What got me to this point is that my spell check was broken. I also
noticed that it was broken for other 
applications as well. That's when I discovered that I needed to update
the aspell dictionaries for v6.
After doing this, to things happened. My other applications that use
aspell started to work in regards to spell checking. Evolution started
to see the fact that words were misspelled but has no way to manually
check or offer alternate spellings.  
As I type this email, word highlighting operates on on misspelled
words. I do not get any options to check the spelling and the spell
check is actually greyed out. The only option I have is to "add a word
to dictionary".
Has anyone had this issue before? I've been looking for a way to get
evolution to refresh or something so that it will look or see that
aspell is installed and that the dictionaries are up to date. And most
important, that I can actually do a spell check and it offer up
alternate spellings.

Make sure you have "gnome-spell" >= 1.0.5, "aspell" and
"aspell-XX" (where "XX" is your locale, for example "aspell-en" for US
English or "aspell-en-uk" for British English) installed, depending on
your distribution package system.
Evolution does not use "myspell".
Then go to "Edit | Preferences | Composer Preferences | Spell Checking",
and enable the available languages.
As you haven't told which languages you have installed, please also note
that some languages require "gnome-spell" >= 1.0.7 to be supported by
You can also check gnome-enabled dictionaries by using the application
"gconf-editor". The GConf key "/GNOME/Spell/language" should contain a
space-separated list of the languages you have enabled (i.e. "en-US es"
for US english and Spain).


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