Re: [Evolution] Spam Filtering

A hack-ish workaround to train Bayes using Evo is the following: Pick at
least 200 non-Junk messages, and keep them in mind. Now mark them as
Junk using the Evo UI. Go to your Junk folder, and mark all those
non-Junk mail we just abused in a sacrificial manner and correctly mark
them as non-Junk. SA will realize it learned these messages previously,
and learn them as Ham (non-Junk) only, AFAIK. Now we got the 200 Hams
learned. Collecting at least 200 Spams for learning shouldn't be hard I
guess. ;-)

Note: This really is a *hack* only, and you should not try this unless
you feel a little bit adventurous. :)
Do I have to mark the mail as Junk first and then un-Junk them - or can
I just mark them in the Inbox as Not-Junk? In other words, what does the
initial marking as Junk do?

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