Re: [Evolution] Nit Pic -- Saving Sent messages in separate folders?

Hi Kimmo;

On Mon, 2006-07-08 at 18:53 +0300, K. Elo wrote:
Hi Goerg and William,

have You tried filters for outgoing mails?

Kind regards,

The problem is the 'sent' messages I want to add to a file are all
personal.  I.E. they don't have a field in the search or filter messages
that can be used to select the message as one to copy or move (I would
prefer copy -- that would maintain the thread in the appropriate file
while allowing me to delete during a clean out of the 'Sent' file).
Besides, I have divided my mail nicely between using vFolders for
business and mailing lists and Personal sub-folders for personal email.
Mailing Lists give me a returned copy of the original email I sent them
when I update/fetch new mail.  Businesses have a consistent 'Mail to:'

For example, my Address books have a field called 'where' which
identifies the address book and matches the Personal Sub-folders.  If
somehow I could use that in a outgoing filter that would do the job.
Regards Bill

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