Re: [Evolution] Imported address book not autocompleting

On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 10:54:25PM -0400, Terre Porter wrote:
Hi all,
I've imported my address book in to evolutions using a vcf file. The address
book is there but none of my addresses show up in the autocomplete, when
creating a new message.

I did find out that if I opened a contact changed one letter, then saved the
contact it would then show up in auto complete.

Is there a faster way to do this, as I have about 263 contacts, this could
take some time.


I have simillar problem: some of the fields in the imported vcard
don't appear in the evolution adressbook-list and preview,
when I open the contact for editing, they are there.

After sumbiting the entry (you have to change something to be able
to save it) everything is ok..


Petr Tomasek <>

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