Re: [Evolution] Wish: Uncached IMAP folders

On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 07:46 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 16:26 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 15:38 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 08:57 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 13:52 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 08:39 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
[Replying to own post]

On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 08:08 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
Link the cache folders you don't want to /dev/null? (I haven't tried
this and don't know about any possible side-effects).

This makes no sense e.g. you might want to cache a subfolder but not its
parent, or cache headers but not bodies, etc. etc. In my defense I
haven't had my morning tea yet :-)

Also it doesn't stop Evo from going of and getting things, it just
doesn't store it anywhere.

For me, I would like a way of selectively marking folders for checking
for new mail - mail only appears in some of my folders (mainly as a
result of server side filtering), the vast majority either get populated
as a result of Evo filters, or things get put there manually.  At the
moment Evo takes ages to sort itself out when I first start it because
it goes through all my subscribed folders looking for new mail - I don't
want to untick the 'Check for new messages in all folders' because there
are some folders that I want to check - I don't want to unsubscribe the
folders because I use the (unchanging) information in them.

Do you use Maildir-based IMAP?

No.  Or at least not yet - it's on the ToDo list.  Why?  

  $ dir Maildir/.Lists.Evo-user/
  total 1608
  drwx-w----  6 me me   4096 Sep 23  2005 ./
  drwx-w---- 64 me me   4096 Apr 12 13:06 ../
  -rw-rw-r--  1 me me     17 Apr 17  2004 courierimapacl
  drwx-w----  2 me me   4096 Mar 28 08:47 courierimapkeywords/
  -rw-r--r--  1 me me 755612 Apr 19 15:03 courierimapuiddb
  drwx-w----  2 me me 856064 Apr 19 15:03 cur/
  -rw--w----  1 me me      0 Apr 17  2004 maildirfolder
  drwx-w----  2 me me   4096 Apr 19 15:03 new/
  drwx-w----  2 me me   4096 Apr 19 16:23 tmp/

In Maildir storage, new emails are dropped in new/, and "already
read" emails are in cur/.  So, even if there are 10,000,000 records
in cur/, it's really easy to read thru the 100 records in new/.

I can't see how this answers the OP's requirement. The problem is that
for Evo to discover new mail it has to interrogate the IMAP server (no
matter what its mailstore format is), and the only options currently are
to ask about INBOX or about everything. INBOX doesn't contain all new
mail because of server-side filters, and asking about everything is slow
if one has lots of folders, because AFAIK the only way to do it is by
iterating an IMAP protocol command (STATUS I think) over all the
folders, sending the query and waiting for the response each time.
That's why it would be nice to be able to do it only for folders where
one there might be new messages.

And STATUS means "tell me about *all* emails?  If so, bummer.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA

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