Re: [Evolution] Load images :: Wrong progress information

hi srinidhi,

Am Montag, den 10.04.2006, 10:38 +0530 schrieb B S Srinidhi:
When loading images (from the Internet) for emails that have embedded
image URLs, the status bar shows wrong progress information in
percentage. I think it tries to tell me how many 'bytes' have been
downloaded, instead it puts a "%" sign next to the number. So I get
something like 32410%, which is quite weird. Is this a bug?

yes. :-)

I've been seeing this behavior for quite sometime and wanted to report
this before, but was not able to get a screenshot to explain the

for your interest, it's already reported as


 mailto:ak-47 gmx net | failed!

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

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