[Evolution] Re: Convert to List

(Note: subject should have been "Convert to Task", not "convert to list"
It turns out the problem was that my task list somehow grew to enormous
size: it had ~420 entries, and was ~20 MB in size. This probably
happened during a problem synchronizing with my PDA. In fact, tasks were
being created from the email, but since the task list was enormous I
simply didn't see the new tasks which were created. I solved the problem
by deleting the task list file
(~/.evolution/tasks/local/system/tasks.ics). (I couldn't delete the
bogus tasks using Evolution - Evo took way to long to delete them, since
the file was so big, and it crashed a few times). Now when I use Convert
to Task it works just fine.
Thanks for the advice.

On Sun, 2005-09-18 at 08:50 -0400, evolution-list-request gnome org
hi steve,

Am Freitag, den 16.09.2005, 15:36 -0700 schrieb Steve Auerbach:
I right-clicked on a message, and noticed an item "Convert to Task". As
far as I can tell this does nothing. Is there a How-To somewhere which
explains how to use this?

normally you should get a dialog window where you are asked in which
tasks subfolder (tasklist) the task (based on the email) should be
created. aren't there any new tasks with the summary set to the subject
of your email you tried to convert?

also check if the "mail to task" plugin is activated under "Tools |
Manage plugins..." (normally it should be, otherwise the menu item
should not be displayed).

if you start evolution from a shell, is there any valuable output, error
mesages referring to this?


Steve Auerbach <steven p auerbach saic com>

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