Re: [Evolution] Question/Bug in Evolution?

hi david,

Am Dienstag, den 13.09.2005, 21:55 -0400 schrieb David Ronis:
I've just started using evolution on a slackware-10.1/freerock
gnome-current box (currently Evolution-2.4.0) and have encountered a
problem with word attachments.  Evolution correctly identifies them, but
doesn't seem to have abiword correctly set up as the correct mime type.
I've added 

                    application/msword; abiword '%s'

to my .mailcap file and 
                         application/msword doc

to my .mime.types file, but this didn't help.
this has nothing to do with evolution, but with your gnome settings of
your file associations. you can change the file type associations by
going to the properties of a file in nautilus, then go to the "open
with" tab and make your changes there (at least in 2.10).

no, that ain't cool and intuitive. :-/


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