Re: [Evolution] Calendar Default = Birthdays & Anniversaries (This time w/ Attachment)

On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 13:27, Gary & Mic McFall wrote:
Good morning.  Ever since upgrading to FC4, I've had a small problem w/
Evolution (2.2.3).  With the last version of Evo, I could just select
"new" and then enter a description, etc., to establish a new event.  Now
I must change the Calendar: from the default "Birthdays & Anniversaries"
to "Personal".  All fields are grayed out in "Birthdays &

That's because your "Birthdays & Anniversaries" calendar is selected.
Just select the "Personnal" calendar, than click on "new". Evo will
remember which one is selected, even after quitting and restarting (but
IMHO it should restart with "Personnal" selected).


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