[Evolution] Spamassassin problems.

I am sorry if this problem is trivial but being a linux newbie I don't
know how to cope with it.
I have just noticed the following message in maillog which I haven't
seen before:

Oct  4 19:55:26 epo spamd[5068]: Cannot open bayes
databases /home/erik/.spamassassin/bayes_* R/O: tie failed: Permission

The databases have gotten the following permission

[erik epo .spamassassin]$ ls -l
total 9936
-rw-------  1 erik erik 2609152 Oct  4 19:52 auto-whitelist
-rw-------  1 root mail   33312 Oct  4 19:11 bayes_journal
-rw-------  1 erik erik 5201920 Oct  4 19:11 bayes_seen
-rw-------  1 root mail 5480448 Oct  4 19:11 bayes_toks
-rw-------  1 erik erik    1216 Sep 23 18:07 user_prefs

Apparently it is the spam daemon which cannot open them but how should
the permission bits or owner IDs be change to allow spamd to perform the
necessary updates?

Thanks in advance.
Erik P. Olsen

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