Re: [Evolution] How to add options for attachment display?

Hi Paul,

When viewing mail in the preview pane, some types of attachment can be
viewed in-line or can be displayed in an appropriate viewer.  All types
of attachment can be saved to a file.   Some types can *only* be saved.

How can new types be registered with the system so that a double-click
will fire up the appropriate viewer?  If it helps to make the problem
concrete: how do I associate /usr/local/bin/acroread with attachments
that have a .pdf suffix?    Needless to say, I'me really looking to
solve the general problem.

Searching sundry subdirectories of /usr/local/{lib,share}/evolution/2.0
hasn't yet turned up anything useful; neither has consulting TFM.
It's part of Gnome rather than evo.  I'm not sure about Solaris9, but
under Solaris 10 using JDS you go to Preferences -> Desktop Preferences
-> File Associations, then select Documents -> Published Materials and
there is a PDF bit in there.  Just point it to the correct executable.  
I'm not sure if double clicking will work, but you'll be able to select
Acrobat in the list of available programs.


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