[Evolution] Importing from KMail -- Lost Messages

I would like to import my mail from KMail to Evolution. My KMail folders are 
in MBox format. I have tried simply copying the folders to the correct 
Evolution location, importing with automatic detection, and importing with 
MBox selected. All three have the same results--I lose emails. In one folder 
of about 50 I lost about 12. They seem to come in as blank emails, no body, 
no headers. I have compacted the folder before importing. I understand that 
there are different MBox formats.

Any suggestion or will I just have to give up on importing into Evolution? I 
could convert all the folders to MailDir, but what good would that do?

BTW. I couldn't figure out how to search the archives for this topic.
Rob Matlack     rmatlack AT alexandria.cc
Stilwell, OK
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