[Evolution] Re: mail forwarding filter

On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 08:51 -0500, Gangalino wrote:
On Mon, 2005-28-02 at 14:24 +0800, Not Zed wrote:
> Well, strictly speaking, it is not entirely incorrect.
> You can still use filters to do that, by using the filers to run a
> script which does the forwarding, e.g. via the 'mail' command.
> On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 23:48 -0500, Gangalino wrote: 
> > You think I would lie about something like this?
> > Check your help- 3.6  Create Rules to Automatically Or Organize Mail:
> > "For example, your filters could put copies of one message into multiple
> > folders, or keep one copy and send one to another person."
> > 
> > Which would be a perfectly normal use of a filter.
> > YOUR bug link, however, is untrue. :)
Can you provide me with an example of such a script. Unfortunately, I'm
on this GARBARGE BELL/SYMPATICO ISp that filters out any outgoing mail,
but I am on a linux machine w/ Postfix/Sendmail, and the address I want
to forward to mostly is an alias local to my machine.

At the simplest form, for sendmail or postfix, you add an action:

"Pipe to Program"
and use
/usr/sbin/sendmail -f yourreply address  the target address

This will effectively "redirect" or "bounce" the message to "the target address", and send any errors to "yourreply address".

Then you could add other actions to e.g. mark the mail as read or whatever.

If you want to form an attachment of the message it gets a bit trickier, and you need a script.  I've attached an example script - it is a little more sophisticated than the trivial-case, as it extracts (multiline) subject to form a destination subject.  It could be changed to take the target address from the command line or calculate it from the message.

--- begin script ---

# forwards an rfc822 message from stdin to "to" coming from "from" as a mime attachment

from="not zed <notzed novell com>"
errors="notzed novell com"
to="mike <notzed ximian com>"

date=`date --rfc-2822`

# save message
cat - >$msg

# generate forwarded subject
subject=`cat $msg | sed -e "/^$/ q"  -e "/^Subject:/ s/Subject:/Subject: Fw:/" -e "/^Subject:/,/^[\t ]/ p" -e "d" -e "/^$/ q"`

# build/send message
( echo "From: $from"
  echo "To: $to"
  echo "$subject"
  echo "Date: $date"
  echo "Mime-Version: 1.0"
  echo "Content-Type: message/rfc822"
  echo ""
  cat $msg ) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -f $errors $to

rm $msg

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