Re: [Evolution] Spellchecking

hi kelly,

Am Dienstag, den 28.06.2005, 17:58 +0000 schrieb kjmlists comcast net:
aspell is in /usr/bin , and the folders aspell, aspell-en, aspell-fr, and aspell-pt are in 
The README for the aspell package refers to it as "GNU Aspell 0.50.5".
gnome-spell-1.0.5 and gnome-spell are in /opt/gnome/share

i don't know anything about the locations of which package, please post
the output of "rpm -qa|grep spell" - that should show the installed
packages. :-)

You can also check gnome-enabled dictionaries by using gconf-editor. The
GConf key /GNOME/Spell/language  should contain a space-separated list
of the languages you have enabled (i.e. "en-US es" for US english and

Engish (American) is the only dictionary enabled. French and Portuguese don't appear in the "Languages" 
window so that I can select and enable them.

In ~/.gconf/GNOME/Spell there is only one file: %gconf.xml  -  there is no "language" folder. This file 
lists "language0," "language1," "language2," etc.

"/GNOME/Spell/language" isn't a folder, it's a list value.
just post the output of "more ~/.gconf/GNOME/Spell/%gconf.xml" :-)
hmm. perhaps it would be easier to use an editor like "gconf-editor".


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