[Evolution] Spellchecking

Last year, when I was using Evo 1.4.6 with SuSE Pro 9.0 and Ximian XD2,
I asked for and received help in adding French and Portuguese
spellchecking. I used Ximian Red Carpet to to install aspell-fr and
aspell-pt and they appeared immediately in the Spellchecker Languages

I just installed (clean) SuSE 9.2 with Evo 2.0.1. I used YaST to install
the aspell-fr and aspell-pt files. However, this did not add French and
Portuguese to my choices under Settings> Composer Preferences>

Would someone please tell me what to do to add French and Portuguese
spellchecking? TIA Kelly
Kelly J. Morris <kjmlists comcast net>

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