Re: Gnome-Bounties - Conversations - Was [Re: [Evolution-hackers] Re: [Evolution] proper threading headers]


Am Donnerstag, den 16.06.2005, 16:15 +0200 schrieb guenther:
On Thu, 2005-06-09 at 14:46 +0800, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
Just wondering, has the evo team already had some people who's shown
interest in implementing Google's Summer of Code bounty for grouping
threads as conversations?

Hmm, isn't this like a vFolder on a particular message or sender,
including all local and remote folders as source (yes, including Sent),
setting Include Threads to "all related" and enabling threading?

it's like a vfolder on a thread, displaying all messages of the thread
one after another in *one* window, so i do not have to go to the next
message anymore, only have to scroll down. just time saving and a very
nice idea.
(/me knew it would make sense to get a gmail account for testing


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