[Evolution] Proposal: Evolution Attachment UI


I have thought about a new attachment UI, inline with the proposals on Attachment UI enhancements from dobey 
and Nat, that replaces the existing buttons that are present at the bottom of every message part.

- Remove those buttons and put a attachment bar.
        This can be done in multiple ways. Im listing down the various ways.

        (1)     Have a small attachment bar panel, at the bottom of the message and show it, when there are 
attachments. But it would then reduce the space of the message view. I have a sample at 
http://gnomebangalore.org/~sragavan/attachment-manager.png. We can also decide upon, whether it should be on 
the bottom, or top of the message. In this case, when a message that has a forwarded message which inturn has 
some attachments, is viewed (if the forwarded message viewed inline), then all the attachments would be shown 
in the same bar. This also helps to get all the attachments at one single place. All the attachments would be 
displayed as icons.
        (2)     Have a small attachment bar sort of widget, at the bottom of the message. All the attachments 
are diplayed as icon list in the attachment bar. Like at the end of the message, we have a small attachment 
bar, which shows the attachments. Here again, when the message which has a forwarded message which inturn has 
some attachments, is viewed inline, there are two ways to the problem. A sample is attached at 
                (a)     Show the attachment bar at the end of each message part, which would result in 
multiple attachment bars in a message that has multiple forwards. This would really cause trouble, when a 
mail has multiple forwarded attachments which inturn has attachments.
                (b)     Show the attachment bar at the end of the top message part (bottom of the message 
view). In this case, there would be just one attachment bar, at the bottom of the message view. The only 
difference between (1) and this, is that it doesnt have a dedicated window space, which hides the message 
view. When a forwarded (attached) message which has attachments is viewed inline, its attachments are shown 
in the parent message's attachment bar and when hidden, its attachments are removed from the bar. But it has 
a issue, that the user has to scroll a lot, if he has to see the attachments. This can be solved by adding a 
button at the top without disturbing the UI, which scrolls to the attachment bar.
        (3)     Have a expander at the top, probably below the subject, which could list the attachments as 
links on expanding it. It would be simple. But it wont be much user interactive. It is not a widget. Just 
embedded html links. 

I would vote, for the 2 (b) option. We should have a "Scroll to Attachment bar" button too as a short cut to 
avoid scrolling.

- Allow attachments to be shown inline

        The attachments, which are set to show by default, should be shown inline. The attachments will be 
shown in a widget frame which has a HIDE button at the top to hide the displayed attachment. They also can be 
hidden, by click "Hide" in r-click pop-up menu of the shown attachment.

- Resize the images to fit available size.
        Provide a option in Edit->Preferences->Mail Preferences->HTML Mail-> Resize images to available size
        It should keep the aspect ratio of the image.

- R-Click popup menu on the attachment.
        The R-click menu should have "Save All Attachments", so that all the attachments in the bar can be 
saved easily. I have put up a sample popup menu at http//gnomebangalore.org/~sragavan/menu.png. It should 
have the default application from mime type default application ,other supported application and a provision 
to open with a custom application. 

- Emblems to show the status of the attachment. (A New idea)

        Many times, ive forgotten that did i save the attachment. Or did i saw all the attachments. Just a 
idea from that pexperience. We should have some emblems attached on those attachments, that are viewed, saved 
etc. I have put up a screenshot of the mock at http://gnomebangalore.org/~sragavan/emblem-bar.png.

All these are ideas, i wanted all your opinions and suggestions to improve the attachment UI.



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