[Evolution] filtering to assign color


I would like to set all of the incoming mail to me and only to me (I'm
alone in the To, no CC, no Bcc) in Red.

I did a filter  see here after, but doesn't work. Any hints ?

      <title>Mail to me</title>
        <part name="header">
          <value name="header-field" type="string">
          <value name="header-type" type="option" value="starts with"/>
          <value name="word" type="string">
            <string>patrick pichon hp com</string>
        <part name="header">
          <value name="header-field" type="string">
          <value name="header-type" type="option" value="ends with"/>
          <value name="word" type="string">
            <string>patrick pichon hp com</string>
        <part name="header">
          <value name="header-field" type="string">
          <value name="header-type" type="option" value="not exists"/>
          <value name="word" type="string">
        <part name="header">
          <value name="header-field" type="string">
          <value name="header-type" type="option" value="not exists"/>
          <value name="word" type="string">
        <part name="colour">
          <value name="colour" type="colour" red="ffff" green="a5a5"
blue="0000" alpha="ffff"/>

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