Re: [Evolution] Possible Enhancements

On Fri, 2005-01-21 at 09:20 -0500, Richard A. Hogaboom wrote:
I often want to select sections of emails and paste to other desktop
apps.  I know that I can ^C a selection, but it might be nice if I
could right click and have a "Copy" menu item after "Open" or
"Save As...".

this has been suggested before and I think ui is redoing the menus
currently for 2.2 (or 2.4?)

Also, I get junk mail from some email aliases and would like to have
a "then" action on a filter that would send the email back as

this doesn't solve anything, and often the addresses of spam are
falsified anyway so you'd just end up redirecting your spam to some
other poor guy/gal which I have issues with doing, so I'd prefer not to
implement this feature.


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