Re: [Evolution] IMAP issue

I suspect the message has NUL characters in it?

This string is coming from the server, as it doesn't exist anywhere in Evolution, and evolution can handle binary data anyway.  Strictly speaking, imap doesn't allow unencoded NUL characters (0x00) in messages, so its probably the server just being anal about it.

You'll probably have to try to find the offending message and remove it or fix it up.

On Mon, 2004-12-20 at 11:52 -0800, Tom Duffy wrote:
A few days ago, I started receiving this message every time evolution
refreshes my IMAP inbox (every 10 minutes).  I seem to be able to access
everything and all is working as normal I think, but I have keep closing
this dialog...

"Error while Fetching Mail.

IMAP command failed: Message contains NUL characters."

It has OK as the only option.

Any ideas?


Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"Ride, Work, Sleep. Beer."
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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