[Evolution] Connecting to Exchange

Ok -- 


I’m having trouble with connecting to Exchange.  Using v2.0.3 of evolution & exchange connector.  I’m able to access my account browsing to that exact server so the web interface is up.  I can’t think of any other pertinent information.  Here’s the output from E2K_DEBUG=5m (thank you those in IRC for the aid).



GET /exchange/dbenham/ HTTP/1.1

E2k-Debug: 0x815d778 @ 1108413398

Host: PHX-EX05

Accept-Language: en

User-Agent: Evolution/2.0.2


7 Connection terminated unexpectedly

E2k-Debug: 0x815d778 @ 1108413398


GET /exchange/dbenham/ HTTP/1.1

E2k-Debug: 0x81f9e10 @ 1108413561

Host: PHX-EX05

Accept-Language: en

User-Agent: Evolution/2.0.2


7 Connection terminated unexpectedly

E2k-Debug: 0x81f9e10 @ 1108413561



Version: 3.12
GCS/MD d+ s: a C+++ L++++$ A+++$ H+++ S++++ P+++ E- W+++ N o? K? w---(++) O? M-- V- !PS PE++ Y+ PGP++ t++ 5? X R(++) tv- b++++ DI++++ D++ G+ e+ h++ r+++ y**

---------------------- OmniCode 0.1.6 -----------------------
sxy cm175 kg90 ske3a984 ha998830 ey998830 esO sp= Ag1968 anE&C hdd ZoB&M RlM Kd3y4x PeC.Ashley&D.Lucy&Bella&R.Turtle&S.3 MBINTJ.11334411
FHS UFMike IN10 AdC&I&S PrBasic(8)^(1)&C/C++(9)^(9)&Perl(5)&Python(4)
----------- Omnicode http://www.gadgeteer.net/omnicode/ -----------



Attachment: exchange
Description: exchange

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