[Evolution] Is it possible to store foldes using Symbolic Link?

I have tryed moving my "local" folder from /home/milani/.evolution/mail/local to /windows/D/Evolution_Mail/mail/local, an then creating a symblink (ln -s /windows/D/Evolution_Mail/mail/local /home/milani/.evolution/mail/local) ;  but when I Run Evo, I cannot access to the mail contents (I can see the list of mail subjects, I suppose because theya are stored on anpther directory, located not unser the link), and I receive the following error message "Tempo scaduto nel tentativo di prendere il file di lock /home/milani/.evolution/mail/local/Inbox.  Riprovare più tardi.. " that translated in English is "Time-out locking the file /home/milani/.evolution/mail/local/Inbox. I suppose Evo cannot access to the path "/home/milani/.evolution/mail/local/Inbox".
Browsing the filesystem from the console, I can access (and also write) to the folder /home/milani/.evolution/mail/local, so maybe Evo cannot access to symblink folders.

Is it possible to "mount" /windows/D/Evolution_Mail/mail/local folder on /home/milani/.evolution/mail/local mount point? In this case maybe Evo will not understand the Trick.

Thanks for your help

Il giorno mar, 02-08-2005 alle 21:09 +0930, Iain Buchanan ha scritto:
On Tue, 2005-08-02 at 11:05 +0200, pensatorecontabile wrote:
> I have another partition (DATA) almost free, and I would like to move
> my mail folders and messages from the actual position
> (/home/milani/.evolution/mail/local) to a different
> (ex. /windows/D/Evolution_Mail/mail) 
> Is it possible?

maybe you could do it with "linux" rather than evolution.  While evo is
not running, you could move your entire .evolution directory to where
you want it, then create a symlink to that.  eg

mv /home/milani/.evolution /windows/D/Evolution_Mail/mail/.evolution
ln -s /windows/D/Evolution_Mail/mail/.evolution /home/milani/.evolution

If you don't want to move the entire directory, it would be just as easy
to move part of it...


Mario Milani

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