Re: [Evolution] Mailing list setup?

hi laurie,

Am Montag, den 01.08.2005, 12:15 -0400 schrieb Laurie J.:
I am having difficulties setting up a mailing list.  
If I edit what I have set up as a list in the contacts section, I see
When I send to "mailing_list" however, the short hand addresses do not
get expanded into real addresses, and the email fails to be delivered.
I have to manually expand them.

this has been fixed in later releases (at least in the unstable 2.3.x
versions, don't have a 2.2.x version to test there).
i'd recommend using the latest stable evolution version (2.2.3) and if
it hasn't been fixed there, wait for five weeks to finally use version
2.4. :-)
(or get the unstable development version, but be aware that it's buggy
at many other places... ;-).


 mailto:ak-47 gmx net | failed!

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