Re: [Evolution] Evolution would crash if the title contains some patterns when sending or saving


On Sat, 2005-04-30 at 23:57 +0800, Hongzheng Wang wrote:
This mail is the same one as previous, except that the chinese
information have been replaced by <chinese information>, because they
may make that mail beyond understanding for people who don't know
chinese.  Sorry for my careless.

Just took a quick look at evolution-data-server/camel/camel-mime-utils.c
and it seems like this problem is gone a bit while ago. Can you please
try building CVS head, save one of those problematic messages which
would allow us to crash evo and file a bug in bugzilla[1] with the
message attached?


..O   Enver ALTIN                   |
OOO   Software developer @ Parkyeri |

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